Gyro Technic is a strong supporter of the Popular Rotorcraft Association (PRA)

Current Promotions:

Discounts on select Gyro Technic products!

Watch for this logo listed on select products, enter your (active) PRA number, and SAVE!

1-year paid membership to the PRA with purchase of Gyro Kits or Razor Blades!

Gyro Technic will pay for a 1-year membership to the PRA for customers purchasing Razor Blades or a Gyro Kit! (Non-current & new PRA members only)

Donation matching to the Mentone Runway Fundraiser with purchase of Gyro Kit or Razor Blades!

Any customer of a Gyro Kit or a set or Razor Blades, will be given an opportunity to donate to the Mentone Runway Fundraiser. Gyro Technic will match customer’s donation up to $100 in conjunction with purchase of Razor Blades! And, a match up to $250 in conjunction with a Gyro Kit purchase!

To learn more about how the PRA is here to support and promote our sport, CLICK HERE.

I am humbled that you let me take your baby for a spin.  The only problem I have now is that I want to fly it again! The VX-1 felt very predictable in its flight characteristics. The freedom felt surreal and the solidness of the VX-1 was notable.  The machine was very smooth.  I felt very secure in the seat, more so than in other open frames.  I find myself wishing I could fly her again! - Robert Lutz – Founder – Gyro Revolution (Long Island, NY)