Used Aircraft

Life changes. Sometimes open-format flying isn’t for everyone. Sometimes your wife decides she want to fly with you! (Prior to our 2-place being released) Regardless, sometimes people decide it’s time to let the next person enjoy their Gyro Technic.

This might be the perfect opportunity for you! When used aircraft come up for sale, we will list them here.


A wonderful machine that just completed the phase 1 testing. This machine is ready to fly. We finished the phase-1 flights back by our Gyro Technic facility. Boy, did we have fun! Only 40 Hours on this machine!

Built – October 2021 Fully registered w /AWC & ready to go.

Rotax 582 w/ E-Box MGL Gauges / MGL V16 Radio / 3 Blade, 62″ PowerFin / 24′ Razor Blades

Price: $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 – Call to Discuss 507-933-9033

I am humbled that you let me take your baby for a spin.  The only problem I have now is that I want to fly it again! The VX-1 felt very predictable in its flight characteristics. The freedom felt surreal and the solidness of the VX-1 was notable.  The machine was very smooth.  I felt very secure in the seat, more so than in other open frames.  I find myself wishing I could fly her again! - Robert Lutz – Founder – Gyro Revolution (Long Island, NY)