Is the VX2 available yet?

Yes it is! And it is performing awesome!  (Our last 5 orders have been the GT-VX2 912 versions!)

Do you offer a 2-seat version?

We are pushing hard to get the 2-place design wrapped up. This has been our #1 request! We are trying our best to have a mock-up, static unit, on display at Oshkosh and Mentone this year!  We hope to have kits available in summer of 2025.

Can I purchase online?

Yes! See our new “shop” tab at the top of the page! We are adding more products every week.

If you are more comfortable placing your order over the phone, that’s fine! Give us a call. We’d love to talk to you! (507-933-9033)

Since gyro kits are fully customized to the customer’s requirements, there is no way we can list all the options for sale on-line. Contact us, and we will be happy to build a custom quotation with everything your want (and nothing you don’t want) in order to build your personal “Dream Machine”.

Can I fly without a license?

No. These machines do not meet the FAA part 103 Ultralight classification in terms of max weight, fuel capacity, and top speed. To legally fly, you will need at least a sport pilot license with a gyro endorsement. (Really not that hard to get if you put your mind to it)

Can I install a pod?

It’s experimental, you can do whatever you want! However, any changes or additions will certainly affect the weight and balance as well as the aerodynamic flight characteristics. This could result in a very dangerous (if not deadly) configuration. The GT-VX1 and VX2 are open format machines, designed to maximize the sensation of flight!

How far can I fly?

A VX1 fitted with a Simonini Victor 2 Super will burn about 6 gallons per hour. A comfortable cruise speed is about 65 MPH. Full fuel tanks (8 Gallons) will then give you a range of 60+ miles with a safe fuel reserve.

The VX2 is much more economical with a burn rate of under 4 GPH. With nearly 10 gallons on board, you will get at least 2 hours flight time. (~120 miles range)

This would be a straight-line course to your destination. In reality though, you will be having too much fun, and your flight path will not be a straight line, but rather resembling something closer to a bowl of spaghetti!

Are these machines CLT? (Center-line Thrust)

YES! Very close to CLT! The thrust-line offset to the Center Of Mass of the GT-VX1 is just over 1”. The VX2 is within 3/8″ of being CLT, with less than a .5° hang angle change from full to empty tanks.

What power plant is used on the GT-VX1 & VX2?

While most VX1 machines out there are fitted with a Rotax 582, that engine has been discontinued. But, there is still limited inventory remaining. Our latest VX1 models are now being fitted with the Simonini Victor 2 Super (100HP) which is performing beyond our expectations!

The VX2 is designed for a Rotax 912ULS (Carbureted) or 912is (Fuel injected). These engines are renowned for their dependability.